Alnahas, M.: Clean Hydrogen Economics; Circular Carbon Economy (CCE); Sustainable Mobility; International Energy Markets; Net-zero policies
Alnughaimesh, M.: Circular Carbon Economy; Production, Transportation, & Storage of Hydrogen-Based Fuels; Carbon Capture & Storage; Energy & Climate Change Policies
Annepu, R.: Sustainable waste management technologies, Public health and quality of life, and waste management education.
Aravossis, K.: Analysis and evaluation of investments for technical projects; risk management; engineering economics; evaluation of environmental investments with applications in operational research; evaluation of technological investments through Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA).
Barlaz, M.A.: Chemical and biological processes as they occur in solid waste landfills and bioreactors; application of life-cycle analysis to solid waste management.
Bauer, W.P.: Optimizing operational costs and fees of waste management by initiating benchmarking projects, designing fermentation plants, transfer stations, and energy recovery systems from sanitary landfills and waste-to-energy (WTE) plants.
Berenyi, E.B.: Solid waste management (waste-to-energy, biogas generation from landfills).
Bergeles, K.: Energy market modeling, power and gas regulatory frameworks, financial instruments, and portfolio theory and risk management.
Bourtsalas, A.C. (Thanos): Circular Economy, Life Cycle Analysis, Techno-economic assessment, Sustainable Waste Management, Resource efficiency, Industrial Ecology-Symbiosis.
Farinato, R.S.: Surface & colloid science, water-soluble polymers, particle technology, energy and resource efficiency, waste management (recycling, contaminant element control), development of mineral and water resources.
Farrauto, R.: Catalytic abatement of CO, HC, Nox and particulate emissions from mobile stationary sources. Development of catalytic technologies for the hydrogen economy.
Fthenakis, V.: Air pollution and prevention, chemical risk assessment, atmospheric dispersion modeling.
Godoy, A.: Relationship between water and human systems at the Central zone of Chile, the environmental impact of agricultural and mining activities, climate change.
Gorokhovich, Y.: Geographic information systems (GIS), environmental modeling/management.
Huang, Q.: Energy recovery by thermal treatment of solid wastes; image-based diagnostics of combustion process; non-intrusive 3-D temperature measurement for combustion system; combustion optimization using flame imaging.
Kabbaj, R.M.: Using post-recycling urban wastes as fuel in waste-to-energy (WTE) power plants; environmental impacts of global landfilling
Kawashima, S.: Cement and concrete science; characterization of the rheology of fresh cement; use of industrial residues in concrete.
Koroneos, C.J.: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of energy systems, eco-design of products and processes, management of solid and liquid wastes. Air Pollution Control systems, environmental impact assessment.
Maalouf, A.: Water resources engineering, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of solid waste management systems.
Mavropoulos, A.: circular economy and waste management, IND4.0 & resource management, governance for circular economy, cyber-physical systems for reduce, reuse, recycling.
Miller, B.: Environmental policy, management of solid wastes, freight transportation planning, and urban planning.
Nagaraj, D.R.: Technologies for minerals/metals recovery, bio-based and water-soluble polymers.
Park, A.H.: Carbon sequestration; Clean fossil energy conversion systems; Alternative energy production; Particle technology; Electrostatic tomography; Multiphase flow systems.
Psomopoulos, C.S.: Design and operation of electromechanical installations and apparatus, recycling of e-waste, materials and energy recovery from wastes, power utilization, and CO2 emissions.
Szekielda, K.H.: Oceanography, coastal environment, eutrophication, remote sensing of coastal environment
Themelis, N.J.: Industrial ecology, high-temperature reactors, thermal plasma spraying, integrated waste management.
Tian, Y.: Chemical and mechanical properties and beneficial use of combustion residues.
Tsiamis, D.: Application of chemical engineering to the environmental problems, in particular renewable energy sources and the recovery of energy/fuel from non-recycled plastics.
Vardelle, A.M.: Transport phenomena at high temperatures, thermal plasma, and arc spraying, mathematical modeling, LCA of surface coating processes, application of thermal plasma technology to resource recovery from used products.
Yin, H.: Modern building materials; material recycling and reuse; sustainable infrastructure with a focus on energy efficiency and solar energy harvesting.
Yip, N.Y.: Membrane-based processes for desalination, wastewater reclamation, salinity gradient energy, and waste-heat conversion.
Zannes, Maria: Biotechnology, sustainable waste management
Zhang, H.: Industrial applications of waste to energy technology; recovery of hydrogen from industrial wastes.